Lacrosse Toss Rules
There are many ways to enjoy your Lacrosse Toss set. The four person Lacrosse Toss rules of the game feature two teams of two players. Each player will be shooting 3 Lacrosse Toss balls to the opposite target. Each player will be attempting to earn points by shooting the balls through the target holes. The game will conclude when a team reaches 21 points.

Rules 2 VS 2
The Lacrosse Toss Game is a game that includes 2 target boards set up 25 feet apart, 4 players, 6 balls and lacrosse sticks. Teams are made up of 2 players each and players from the same team will set up on opposite sides. Players will alternate shooting at the target board attempting to shoot the balls through the target holes. Each Target hole is worth a different amount of points. The 8" Corner Targets in the top left, top right, bottom left and bottom right are worth 1 point. The 8" Circle targets in the middle left and middle right are worth 3 points. The 6" Circle targets in the center top andcenter bottom are worth 5 points. Through out the game, teams will keep a running tally of points until one team reaches 21 points or above. . That team wins the game. If a game ends in a tie, overtime rules are to play to 11. Behind the back shots are worth 2X the points so you are never out of a game! For the advanced lacrosse player, or athletes withelite aiming skills, the scoring system can be one where points cancel each other out. Example: If Partner A fromTeam 1 throws an 8 point round and Partner A from Team 2 throws a 2 point round, Team 1 would receive 6 points.

Rules 1 VS 1
Partners play on the same side alternating throws while choosing a cumulative scoring system or a cancel out scoring system. In a 1 VS 1 Lacrosse Toss Game, you can use 1 board or 2 boards.

Group Play 1 V 1 V 1
Each player throws 3 balls. Cumulative points can be kept and the first player to reach or surpass 21 wins.

Group Play - Knockout
Players form a line with each player having a stick and ball. Each player shoots at the board - the players that make it stay on for the next round.

1 V 1 “Call Your Shot”
Playing in a 1 vs 1 game, the players can call their shot until one of the players makes the called shot. Once the called shot is made, the other player can call their shot. Both players take turns attempting to make that shot.

1 Vs. 1 - Play LAX
Just like “PIG” and “HORSE” in basketball, players will take turns calling shots from different distances and different holes. Once a called shot is made the other player must make that shot right after If they miss, they receive the letter “L” Play until the first person gets to LAX.